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The origin of June 1 Children's Day can be traced back to 1949

Article Source:Hits: Published:2021-05-27 18:06:56

The source of the children's day: in order to mourn lidice village and all over the world in the fascist aggression war dead children, anti-imperialist warmongers bloodshed and poison children, protect the rights of children, in November 1949, the international democratic women's federation in the committee, held in Moscow, the Soviet union meeting to determine the annual June 1 is international children's day.After the founding of new China, the Central People's Government Administration Council in December 23, 1949 to make a decision, the provisions of June 1 for the new China's Children's Day, June 1, 1950, Chairman Mao Zedong also personally wrote for the Children's Day inscription "to celebrate the Children's Day".


In order to make this holiday more meaningful, various places will also hold a variety of children's activities, there will be a gift, the most popular child is a delicate gift, for children to go to school, watch as a gift practical and delicate.


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